Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fist Day of a New School! :-)

Tyler was a bit clingy, but he was fine when I left him. My niece Grace had just arrived so they were happy. He gets there at 7am and there are very few kids then so they all meet in one room until more kids and the regular teachers get there. Since it was his first day, I didn't know this so I went right to his room and there was no one there. Someone is coming from the other end of the hall and she tells me to go to the first room and why.

I told her this was his first day so I needed to put his stuff down. Now, let me make it clear, we were in the 2 year old room, during this conversation. I told her since he didn't have a bin with his name on it, I was putting his stuff in Gracie's bin. Explained that was his cousin and she said that was fine. We go back to the first room and I leave him there.

At 4:15, I am there to pick him up. I needed to pay so I did that before going to get him. I tell them who I am, who I am picking up and that I need to pay for the week. One of the ladies in the office asked me if I brought Tyler any pull-ups or a jacket or anything. I said yes with a rather bewildered look on my face I am sure!

Then the other lady (whom I have know nearly all my life) says, "Are you sure that is the right Tyler." First lady, "Yes, Tyler and it was his first day." I say, "Today is my Tyler's first day." First lady asks, "How old is he?" I say "Two." They both look at me funny and tell me he had been in the 3 year old room all day.

Now, I realize it just opened last week, but how do you get kids confused???? I told the lady I have known forever what went on the morning and she assured me it would be taken care of today. When I went to pick him up, I met the 3 year old teacher and she asked the same questions and I told her why they thought he didn't have any thing with him. She did at least say that he had a great day. They were just a bit concerned because he wasn't potty trained yet thinking he was 3 1/2 not, 2 1/2.

When I dropped him off this morning, I made sure the same lady from yesterday knew he was only 2 and she said ok. We'll see what happens today! :)

1 comment:

Megan said...

So you are getting your master's in Business Education? I was thinking about it but didn't know if it would be worth it. What exactly does that offer teachers in this feild?