Saturday, January 31, 2009

Momma's BIG Boy!

I can't believe Tyler turned 3 yesterday! He is getting too big too fast! Yesterday we took cookies for his "party" at school. He of course was all excited about that. The school I teach at had a spaghetti dinner fundraiser so we ate there for supper and then went to Mema's house. Gina and Mikey were coming for the weekend (Stephen worked Friday and Sunday so he didn't come). Tyler got his birthday presents from Mema (grandma), MaAnn (great-grandma) and Aunt Gina and Mikey. It touched my heart for him to say thank you to each of them and give them big hugs and kisses. I am proud that Ken and I have raised a gracious child.

We had his Mickey Mouse birthday party at Mema's house today. We had lots of friends from church and Tyler had a great time. I saw one of the parents at Wal-Mart when I went to get the cake and he asked what Tyler needed. I said clothes. He then asked what he wanted and I said toys. He asked if Tyler would be excited about clothes. I told him he wouldn't believe how excited he gets about anything. During his party one of the other parents commented about how excited he got about clothes. Of course he likes the toys too, but most kids just open clothes and throw them to the side. Not Tyler. He takes it out and almost inspects it. He really looks at it to see what it is. I think it is hillarious! Of course he immediately wanted me to open all the toys so he could play. I'd have to tell him we'd play after we opened all the presents.

Ken's mom (Grandma Fran) and his sister Julie came for the party and are staying until tomorrow. We all went to dinner and Grandma bought dinner. I told Tyler to tell her Thank you. He says, "Thank you Grandma for my dinner. Thank you for my cheeseburger, my fries and my Sprite!" How sweet is that?

After we got back home tonight, Tyler really showed me he was a big boy! He has been wearing "big boy" underwear all week (except when sleeping) and has done really well since last Saturday. He's had a few accidents at school and would only go poop when he had a pull-up on for nap time or when getting ready for bed. Tonight however, we have crossed another bridge! He came and told us he needed to go potty and he went poop on the potty!!! How exciting! Then 5 minutes later he told us he needed to go potty again and he did! I guess he wasn't finished the first time. I am so proud of my BIG boy! And you should all see my "Tyler Went Pee Pee on the Potty Dance." It's quite exciting! He even told us dinner he needed to go pee. We haven't been out much in public this week as you can imagine why so I was very pleased (and surprised) that he stopped eating to tell us he needed to go. Hopefully I have bought my last set of pull-ups! :-)

On to a different note....Ken and I were talking about how the new baby is coming and we're going to be switching rooms so the new baby will be closer to mommy and daddy. Well Tyler apparently didn't like this and quickly told us the new baby will sleep in the barn! So we asked who would take care of him in the barn. He told us Mary would just like she takes care of Baby Jesus! Now, does it get much sweeter than that?

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